Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith
Pastor Chris Laughlin
Pastor Chris began his ministry with Immanuel Lutheran Church on Sunday, January 2, 2022. Before coming to Immanuel, Pastor Chris served a congregation in Sanilac County and one in St. Joseph County (both in Michigan). He also serves as a chaplain in the US Army Reserve, having served three battalions and two brigades as chaplain, the U.S. Army Institute for Religious Leadership in Fort Jackson, South Carolina, as an instructor, and currently as a chaplain at the headquarters of First Army (Support Command), Rock Island Arsenal, IL.
A runner and a Trekkie, Pastor Chris was born and raised in New Jersey; he has since lived in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Virginia, South Carolina, Texas, and Missouri. He and his wife Rachel met in seminary and she is the pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Portage. They live in Plainwell. They are the devoted servants of a large, elderly cat.
He is very happy to be serving our congregation as the called pastor, as are we as members of this church community.
Pastor Chris on YouTube.

Church Council Leadership:
Sandra Horwath – Council President
Mike Fusillo – Council Vice-President
Laura Compton – Education Committee
Joyce Davis – Mission & Outreach Committee
Shelley Busfield – Worship & Music Committee
Trevor Horwath – Finance/Treasurer
Brad VanMelle – Property Committee
Church Council Recording Secretary:
Linda Scott
Church Staff
Ken Kingsbury – Administrative Assistant (Monday-Thursday 9am to 1pm)
Ken Kinsey – Office Volunteer
Lori Querback – Worship & Music Ministry
Trevor Horwath – Church Treasurer
Joy Winger – Financial Secretary/Building Fund Treasurer
Joyce Davis – Prayer Chain Coordinator
Mary Ann Fusillo – Faith Community Nurse
Ken Kingsbury – Cemetery Sexton
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is committed to diverse and interdependent leadership across its three expressions — in nearly 10,000 congregations, 65 synods and the churchwide organization. Leaders in these expressions work together, with guidance from the Churchwide Assembly, Church Council, Conference of Bishops, and elected churchwide officers, to ensure a strong foundation of leadership and support for the ELCA and its members as we do God’s work in the world. Together, guided by the Holy Spirit, we achieve things on a scale and scope that we could never do otherwise.